All good things must come to an end--even a great thing like Cirque's Kooza. On Friday the 13th, I signed my non-renewal letter for the show, officially stating that I won't be going to Japan with the show in 2011.
Probably the most difficult decision in my life. On the one hand, spending a year and a half in Japan, continuing in my secure job with great benefits for my family was incredibly enticing. On the other, focusing on being a father, working on re-imagining myself as an artist, and resting in the pool in my backyard was a little more enticing. We will for sure miss the great friends we made on tour and the amazing one-of-a-kind talents each person brought to the show.
My superhero wife was very supportive of either decision. And even she was torn about which she would rather do--an incredible experience in the Far East for both her and our little Leo, or continue her skyrocketing bodypainting business in Las Vegas. Ultimately, Vegas won out.
It's a great thing for all of us. And although the Cirque salary won't be there, we have strong feelings that the next stages in our careers and personal lives are going to fill us with more wealth than we ever imagined.
And we can't do it without you. Every success I've had was thanks in large part to friends--more so than colleagues, more so than luck, maybe more so than talent. I can't thank my friends enough for their support and love. I am happy to return the favor. And now is the time when we could use your help again. Even if it's just some words of encouragement, keeping an eye on our comings and goings, all the way up to giving us a job--it's you that I turn to. You're all that I've got, and it's more than enough.
That said, I'm now a free agent as of January 2011. I'm planning on getting some roots replanted in Vegas for a little while, but I'd love to field any and all opportunities. Some of you may have heard about my buying a fancy camera and some lenses. Another money making idea is for Robin and I to start taking stock photos to sell. I mean have you SEEN my son?! I for one think his mug could easily send him to college! And, who knows? Maybe photography will be my next big thing. I'll give it a shot!
So come on over and follow me on my new Twitter account. I've also started a photography Facebook page. And no photographer is complete without their Flickr page. Website and photoblog are soon to come as well, stay tuned. Of course, there are the usual webby areas to keep an eye on, including my Showman website, SkinCity Body Painting's website, and Robin's art website. Don't be a stranger!
For now, Robin, Leo and I will enjoy the rest of our time in Kooza in Vancouver, Calgary and Miami before landing back into Sin City. Life keeps getting more exciting!